European Shogi Championship (ESC)


Palyuhovich Zlata
Tanyan Vincent
Tanyan Vincent
Tanyan Vincent
Kashchionok Vladislav
Pronkevich Ivan
Pronkevich Ivan
Tanyan Vincent
Ivanov Mikhail
Ivanov Mikhail
Starikov Maxim
Mahin Anton
Mahin Anton
Mahin Anton
Bozzali Ermanno
Tanyan Vincent
Shcheslionok Peter
Shcheslionok Peter
Chernashevich Dmitry
Titov Denis
Titov Denis
Titov Denis
Mishin Ivan
Titov Denis
Dylevsky Artiom
Kalenov Alexander
Kalenov Alexander
Shaporov Maxim
Shaporov Maxim
Shaporov Maxim
Danilov Andrey
Korchitsky Sergey
Starykevich Anton
Starykevich Anton
Prilishch Diana
Starykevich Anton
Mishutin Mikhail
Savich Boris
Savich Boris
Starykevich Anton
Pytalev Nikita
Pytalev Nikita
Kulevtsova Ekaterina
Iglitsky Eugeny
Iglitsky Eugeny
Iglitsky Eugeny
Valkov Pavel
Korchitsky Sergey
Pfaffel Thomas
Pfaffel Thomas
Rodin Dmitry
Pfaffel Thomas
Belov Sergey
Belov Sergey
Todua Dariko
Korchitsky Sergey
Dmitrovich Polina
Matmusaev Sergey
Matmusaev Sergey
Korchitsky Sergey the 3rd place
Korchitsky Sergey
Korchitsky Sergey Titov Denis
Ivashko Alexey Starykevich Anton
Starykevich Anton

World Open Shogi Championship (WOSC)


1Korchitsky SergeyBY5 Dan234339+15+4+2+3+25+5+12+6+91059,559,5530,5+32
2Starykevich AntonBY4 Dan231329+31+12+1-24+4+3-8+5+786042519,5+1
3Tanyan VincentBY5 Dan240340+18+26+24+1-12+2+5-4+785841528-9
4Pfaffel ThomasAT3 Dan199711+8+1-18+6+2-7+13+3-676640498+32
5Shcheslionok PeterBY3 Dan210914+24-23+41+8+26+1-3+2-676037496+30
6Pytalev NikitaBY2 Dan194123+12-10+40+4-9+25+26+1-675835505+51
7Dylevsky ArtiomBY2 Dan18499-36+11+25-10+30+4-14+22+675636466,5+19
8Belov SergeyRU2 Dan194116+4-28+39+5-31+27+2-19+6753,531,5493+7
9Kalenov AlexanderRU1 Dan17467+25-21+26+12-6-30+27+24+675233504,5+82
10Bozzali ErmannoBG1 Kyu167126-37+6-53+7-34+20+24+12+675132472+113
11Rodin DmitryRU1 Kyu16854-53+7-38+41+24-18+32+13+675132458+72
12Iglitsky EugenyBY3 Dan202942+6+2-20+9+3-24+1-10-566229491,5+2
13Ivanov MikhailRU2 Dan194928+26-16+27+25-15+32+4-11-565227489-15
14Chernashevich DmitryBY1 Kyu16475-50+20-19-44+33+15+7-32+5651,525,5435+28
15Matmusaev SergeyBY1 Dan176920+1-39-34+40+13-14-36+27+5651,525457+0
16Todua DarikoBY1 Dan16958-48+13-44+22-36+17+19-26+5650,525,5427+36
17Koroliov AlexanderBY2 Dan1835---55+43+29+16-39+28+565032,75439,5+5
18Pronkevich IvanBY1 Dan177532+3-29+4-27-40+11-45+35+565023460,5+2
19Alenevskiy MarkRU4 Kyu136845+39-35+14+30-46+31+16+8-664831,5435+207 (2 Kyu)
20Dmitrovich PolinaBY1 Dan181615-34+14+12-42+27-10-40+29+564824460,5-18
21Medvedev VladimirRU3 Kyu151355+30+9-23+31-42+22-33+40+6646,528,5424+100 (2 Kyu)
22Biryukov DanilaRU4 Kyu145034-54+43+29+16+32-21+28+7-664629432+120 (2 Kyu)
23Kulevtsova EkaterinaBY1 Kyu17276-43+5-21-48+45+26-47+30+564621435,5+8
24Titov DenisRU2 Dan193530+5+25+3-2-11+12-10-9-456125503+28
25Shaporov MaximBY4 Dan229527+9+24-7+13+1-6---455931509,5-29
26Mahin AntonBY2 Dan196710+13+3-9-28+5-23+6-16-455924478-25
27Danilov AndreyRU1 Kyu162825-51+32+13-18+20+8-9-15-455321446,5+38
28Starikov MaximBY1 Kyu167213-44+8-37+26-35+41+22-17-4550,519429,5+2
29Prilishch DianaBY1 Kyu15992-49+18-22-38+17-44+42+20-4550,517409+3
30Mishin IvanRU1 Dan177724-21-50+48+19+7-9-34+23-455019425-35
31Savich BorisBY1 Dan178141+2-40-47+21+8-19-35-43+454919431-34
32Kashchionok VladislavBY1 Dan179718-47+27-45+39+22+13-11-14-4548,518,5442,5-42
33Podrez AlexeyBY1 Kyu1646---58+37+14-43+21-44+4547,525,75396,5-2
34Balabhai VictorRU2 Kyu153322+20-57+15-47+10-46+30-49+5546,522,5396,5+34
35Krzhevitskiy GrigoriyRU2 Kyu155856+41-19-54+49+28-51+31+18-554119387+26
36Traulko DmitryBY2 Kyu154057+7-49-60+51+16-54+15-52+554017355,5-7
37Butsko FeodosiyBY2 Kyu144660+10-63+28-33-55+39-56+45+553815384+26
38Rubin TimurBY3 Kyu144163+42-66+11-29-58+40-54+47+5533,513,5371,5+10
39Ivashko AlexeyBY2 Kyu16081-19+15+8-32-41-37+17--345619,25452,5+16 (1 Kyu)
40Palyuhovich ZlataBY2 Kyu16073-66+31+6-15-18-38+20-21-3450,511,5422-7
41Mishutin MikhailBY1 Dan182131-35+42+5-11-39+28---3447,518,5446,5-31
42Valkov PavelBY1 Kyu163412-38+41-49+20-21-47-29-56+344412399-40
43Mahnach AlexeyBY2 Kyu149558+23-22-63+17-57+33-51+31-444312370-5
44Shvadronov OlegBY3 Kyu148064+28-58+16-14-52+29-57+33-4442,514378,5-8
45Lukyanov ArsenyBY2 Kyu160919-61+51+32-50+23-56+18-37-444214359-32
46Shkiryatov IvanBY1 Kyu1621---64+53-19-34-63+55+3441,517,25369,5-35
47Shvadronova EkaterinaBY2 Kyu151552+32-56+31-34-49+42+23-38-444115367-7
48Podrez TimurBY3 Kyu149761+16-55+30-23-56-58+49-54+443612356,5-30
49Sokolov KirillRU4 Kyu138467+29-36+42-35-47-63+48+34-443512358+14
50Boykov StepanBY3 Kyu141759+14-30-65+45-54-55+52-61+443311340-29
51Gaevskaya EvaBY3 Kyu141265+27-45-67+36-61+35-43-59+44329331,5-19
52Misyuk MarkBY4 Kyu129747-63-60-61+59+44-66+50+36-4429,511,5305-7
53Rabchinsky NikolayBY3 Kyu145254+11-67+10-46+----3343,519,5382+31
54Butsko AlexeyBY6 Kyu119453-22-61+35-60+50+36-38-48-334010330+37
55Velichko PolinaBY5 Kyu126821-59+48-17-63+37-50-65+46-33397339-4
56Protacevich ArtiomBY4 Kyu132635-60+47-59-57+48+45-37-42-333510332,5+15
57Ustinovich EugenyBY4 Kyu136436-64+34-66+56-43-59+44-58-3332,58,5330-44
58Litvak PavelBY5 Kyu130743-65+44-33-67+38-48-59-57+3332,56319-6
59Kornyliv AlexanderBY7 Kyu111350-55-64-56+52-66+57-58+51-3329,57,5294,5+62
60Shilov YanBY5 Kyu124237-56-52+36-54-65-61-66+63+3328,57,5303-39
61Loginovsky AlexeyBY6 Kyu126448-45-54-52-66+51-60+67+50-3328,55,5293-37 (5 Kyu)
62Shilov ArsenyBY4 Kyu1333-------+65+224222366+8
63Struchkova EvaBY6 Kyu118538-52+37-43-55-67+49-46-60-2234,55312,5-23
64Rabchinsky EugenyBY5 Kyu122144-57-59+46-65+----2233,513310+5
65Borisova MariaBY7 Kyu109951-58-+50-64-60+-55-62-22305300,5+4
66Zhumatay GuldanaKZ1+40-38-57-61-59-52-60-67+2227,51,75284,5+735 (13 Kyu)
67Petropavlovskaya OlgaBY8 Kyu103349-+53-51-58-63--61-66-1124,51282,5-40

Blitz Shogi Championship


1Starykevich AntonBY4 Dan231313+4+3+5+2+9+11+73434216
2Mahin AntonBY2 Dan196517+19+21+10+1-12+4+63124201
3Titov DenisRU2 Dan194026+28+1-15+6+10+9+63023200
4Pronkevich IvanBY1 Dan179025+1-20+22+10+5+2-53219200
5Pfaffel ThomasAT3 Dan198320+16+22+1-18+4-15+53119187,5
6Rodin DmitryRU1 Kyu165236+11+9-8+3-23+14+52818188,5
7Matmusaev SergeyBY1 Dan176712+10-17+21+9-22+13+52618200,5
8Kashchionok VladislavBY1 Dan179834+33+10-6-32+19+12+52314181
9Iglitsky EugenyBY3 Dan202929+15+6+11-7+1-3-43417193
10Shcheslionok PeterBY3 Dan209032+7+8+2-4-3-22+43215192,5
11Belov SergeyRU2 Dan194130+6-28+9+12-18+1-43014188,5
12Alenevskiy MarkRU4 Kyu13687-32+16+24+11+2-8-42913183
13Danilov AndreyRU1 Kyu16361-25+14-31+28+24+7-42812173,5
14Dylevsky ArtiomBY2 Dan182927+22-13+18-23+16+6-42614178
15Mishin IvanRU1 Dan175437+9-26+3-17+32+5-42611185
16Starikov MaximBY1 Kyu168135+5-12-26+27+14-21+42411179
17Balabhai VictorRU2 Kyu15252-39+7-33+15-25+24+4249172
18Todua DarikoBY1 Dan169533-34+27+14+5-11-26+42312178
19Bozzali ErmannoBG1 Kyu167139+2-33+23-25+8-27+4239166,5
20Traulko DmitryBY2 Kyu15665-35+4-37+24-34+23+4229174
21Biryukov DanilaRU4 Kyu134024+23+2-7-22-30+16-3279176,5
22Podrez AlexeyBY1 Kyu164640+14+5-4-21+7-10-326,57,5187,5
23Dmitrovich PolinaBY1 Dan181631+21-29+19+14-6-20-32610161,5
24Savich BorisBY1 Dan176221-31+30+12-20+13-17-32510164,5
25Boykov StepanBY3 Kyu14204-13-38+29+19-17-32+323,56,5166,5
26Podrez TimurBY3 Kyu14973-38+15-16-35+36+18-323,55,5159
27Butsko FeodosiyBY2 Kyu147714-40+18-28+16-29+19-322,56,5151
28Valkov PavelBY1 Kyu164838+3-11-27-13-35+34+322,55,5168,5
29Lukyanov ArsenyBY2 Kyu16009-37+23-25-33+27-36+3196167,5
30Mahnach AlexeyBY2 Kyu150111-36+24-35-37+21-33+3186163,5
31Rabchinsky NikolayBY3 Kyu145923-24-39+13-36-38+37+316,54,5150,5
32Palyuhovich ZlataBY2 Kyu160710-12-35+34+8-15-25-2244175
33Velichko PolinaBY5 Kyu127518+8-19-17-29-40+30-223,54,5143,5
34Rubin TimurBY3 Kyu14528-18-36+32-38+20-28-221,53,5150,5
35Litvak PavelBY5 Kyu127016-20-32-30+26-28-39+2204151
36Rabchinsky EugenyBY5 Kyu12346-30-34-40+31+26-29-219,53,5140
37Shilov ArsenyBY4 Kyu133315-29-40+20-30-39+31-218,51,5132
38Butsko AlexeyBY6 Kyu121228-26-25-39+34-31-+216,51,75141
39Loginovsky AlexeyBY6 Kyu126419-17-31-38-40+37-35-1170,5132
40Struchkova EvaBY6 Kyu118522-27-37-36-39-33--013,50,25141

Team Tournament


No/PlPlayersNatRankEloTeamR1R2R3R4PtsTeam PtsWinsSOSSDOS+/-
1Shcheslionok PeterBY3 Dan2090Dream Team19+13+7+10+44121010+19
2Pfaffel ThomasAT3 Dan198320+14+8+11+4+14
3Savich BorisBY1 Dan176221+15+9+12+4+19
4Rodin DmitryRU1 Kyu1653Russia 310-22+31+16+33974+32
5Medvedev VladimirRU3 Kyu150311-23+32+17-2+10
6Biryukov DanilaRU4 Kyu136412+24+33+18+4+86
7Mahin AntonBY2 Dan1965We Tried31+25+1-19+33973+2
8Matmusaev SergeyBY1 Dan176732+26+2-20+3+2
9Balabhai VictorRU2 Kyu152533+27+3-21+3+8
10Titov DenisRU2 Dan1946Russia 14+16+13-1-23711,57,5-11
11Mishin IvanRU1 Dan17595+17+14+2-3+18
12Danilov AndreyRU1 Kyu16366-18+15+3-2-8
13Dylevsky ArtiomBY2 Dan1829Pelmeni22+1-10+28+32792+20
14Pronkevich IvanBY1 Dan179023+2-11-29+2-15
15Mahnach AlexeyBY2 Kyu150124+3-12-30+2-6
16Starikov MaximBY1 Kyu1681Triada28+10-25+4-2277,51-9
17Lukyanov ArsenyBY2 Kyu160029+11-26+5+3+9
18Traulko DmitryBY2 Kyu156630+12-27+6-2-26
19Kashchionok VladislavBY1 Dan1798Champions1-31+28+7-22581-1
20Rubin TimurBY3 Kyu14522-32+29-8-1-11
21Boykov StepanBY3 Kyu14203-33+30+9-2-3
22Valkov PavelBY1 Kyu1648Shogi Fighters13-4-+25+2227,51,25-14
23Protacevich ArtiomBY4 Kyu134714-5-+26-1-21
24Rabchinsky EugenyBY5 Kyu123415-6-+27+2-13
25Velichko PolinaBY5 Kyu1275Smart+7-16-22-11170,25-7
26Shilov YanBY5 Kyu1226+8-17-23+2+16
27Zhumatay GuldanaKZ1+9-18-24-1+0
28Rabchinsky NikolayBY3 Kyu1459Shoguns16-+19-13-1116,50,25-7
29Litvak PavelBY5 Kyu127017-+20+14-2+37
30Kornyliv AlexanderBY7 Kyu111318-+21-15-1+0
31Prilishch DianaBY1 Kyu1617Named After Diana Prilishch7-19-4-+11090,25-18
32Butsko FeodosiyBY2 Kyu14778-20-5-+1-31
33Butsko AlexeyBY6 Kyu12129-21-6-+1-18


Thursday, 19th August

Friday, 20th August

  • 8:00 - 9:15 Registration for the ESC/WOSC
  • 9:30 Opening ceremony
  • 10:00 ESC/WOSC round 1
  • 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch break
  • 13:30 ESC/WOSC round 2
  • 16:00 ESC/WOSC round 3

Saturday, 21st August

  • 9:00 WOSC round 4 / ESC semifinal
  • 11:30 WOSC round 5 / ESC final
  • 13:30 – 14:30 Lunch break
  • 14:30 WOSC round 6
  • 17:00 WOSC round 7

Sunday, 22nd August

  • 9:30 WOSC round 8
  • 12:00 WOSC round 9
  • 15:00 Award ceremony


The event consists of four tournaments.

European Shogi Championship (ESC)

A predetermined knock-out tournament with 5 rounds for the top 32 rated European players:

1               3
32               30
17               19
16               14
9               11
24               22
25               27
8               6
5               7
28               26
21               23
12               10
13               15
20               18
29               31
4               2

Thinking time: 45 minutes + 60 seconds byoyomi.

The 32 best European shogi players with established rating that have completed their personal registration at 9:15 on the 20th August qualify for this tournament. Each ESC participant who completes his or her way in the ESC, continues to play in the WOSC (keeping the points scored in the ESC).

Prizes will be awarded for places 1-3.


World Open Shogi Championship (WOSC)

An open tournament with 9 rounds, where players from all countries are welcome to participate. It is possible to make a late entry in the WOSC.

Thinking time: 45 minutes + 60 seconds byoyomi.

The WOSC will be run on the McMahon system with two groups:

  • Group 1 (1 points): Elo rating higher or equal than the 32th rated European player's rating.
  • Group 2 (0 points): Elo rating below the 32th rated European player's rating.

The placement criteria are applied in the following order:

  1. the number of points;
  2. the sum of the opponents' points (SOS);
  3. the sum of the defeated opponents' points (SDOS);
  4. the sum of opponents SOS (SOSOS).

Prizes will be awarded for places 1-3 as well as for

  • the best lady player;
  • the best under 18 player;
  • the best under 18 girl player;
  • the best under 16 player;
  • the best under 14 player;
  • the best under 12 player;
  • the best under 10 player;
  • the best under 8 player.


Blitz Shogi Championship

A tournament with short time limit, where players from all countries are welcome to participate.

Thinking time: 8 minutes.

The blitz tournament will be run on the Swiss system with 7 rounds.

Prizes will be awarded for places 1-3.


Online Blitz Shogi Championship

An online tournament with short time limit, that is held on the ginsen website (games are played at 81Dojo). Please note that a separate registration is required to participate. There is a tournament fee.

Tournament page

Thinking time: 5 minutes + 10 seconds byoyomi.

The tournament will be run on the Swiss system with 7 rounds.

A commemorative prize will be awarded for the 1st place.

Team Tournament

The team tournament is open to teams of 3 players. Teams may be national teams, with 3 players from the same country (allowed to register several teams from a country), or a mix of players who decide to play together. To register a team, the captain must complete a form with the name of the team and the three team members and submit it to the team check-in.

The team boards will be strictly ordered according to the Elo rating of team members. Furigoma is performed by the highest ranking (board 1) opponents. Based on the result, the "color" of other boards alternates.

The placement criteria are applied in the following order:

  1. the number of team points (including MM point);
  2. the number of board points;
  3. the sum of the opponents' team points (including MM point) (SOS);
  4. the sum of the defeated opponents' team points (including MM point) (SDOS);
  5. the sum of the opponents' SOS (SOSOS).

Thinking time: 30 minutes + 30 seconds byoyomi.

The team tournament will be run on the Swiss or 2 groups MacMahon (if we will have registered more than 16 teams) system with 4 rounds. it will be a rating tournament.

Prizes will be awarded for places 1-3.
